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Refund & Cancellation Policy

Can I cancel my orders?

While there is no option for a customer to cancel the order on their own once the payment is made, if you can get in touch with Customer Care ( within 24 hours, we can try to cancel it, provided the myperfectpack has not already started the production. If the cancellation request happens after 24 hours or if production has been started already, we cannot entertain any request.


What is the cancellation fee?

There is a minimum cancellation fee of 2 % of base value which is charged to cover the payment gateway charges. The remaining amount will be transferred after deducting this charge.


Mode of transfer of payments:

Refunds will be done through NEFT transfer which will be co-ordinated by our accounts team. The refund duration is 5-7 days from date of cancellation. If you need any clarifications on refunds. Please email us to


Can I return my Orders?

Typically, delivered orders cannot currently be returned. Of course, this does not apply in cases of transport damages for which or a third-party-logistics provider can be held accountable. Please inspect all goods carefully on delivery and immediately inform our customer service ( if you detect any damages or defects within 48 business hours of receiving the order. We will replace the damaged item/s in cases of transport damages for which a third-party logistics provider or we can be held accountable. In other cases, our friendly customer service will help you handling warranty issues.


Damage Claims or Shortages - Important Notice

Any claims for damage and/or shortages MUST be reported in 48 business hours without exception. Be sure to check your deliveries upon receipt.


Pay For Return Shipping

Most of the cases, we take the approval of the product before dispatch as product shipping cost is very high .

If customers don't like the physical product ever after video approval, will pay for only product charges, not the return shipping.

If due to mistake of the company, you received an order of some other customer or artwork of another customer printed and shipped to you, in that case company will take care of the replacement and shipping will be taken care by the company only.

In any other legal complaint will not be enterained and legal case area primary will be Bangalore India .

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